Transactional messages

Send automated password reset, email change notifications, subscription payment update and many more.

Transactional messages

Personalized SMS

Create personalized SMS campaigns with merge tags- Schedule SMS messages to be sent at specific times- Track and analyze the performance of your SMS campaigns with detailed analytics.

Marketing SMS campaign

Send behavior-driven emails to your users, ensuring that they receive personalized messages tailored to their actions at the right time

Transactional SMS

Create personalized SMS campaigns with merge tags- Schedule SMS messages to be sent at specific times- Track and analyze the performance of your SMS campaigns with detailed analytics.

Easy to use SMS editor

Send behavior-driven emails to your users, ensuring that they receive personalized messages tailored to their actions at the right time

Holistic insight

Create personalized SMS campaigns with merge tags- Schedule SMS messages to be sent at specific times- Track and analyze the performance of your SMS campaigns with detailed analytics.